HAUSER All-Models Catalogue circa 1950
HAUSER rare All-Models Catalogue circa 1950 - Jig Borers, Jig Grinders, Optical Checking & Measuring Instruments, Special Automatic machines for Watch and Instrument making. 16 pages
HAUSER rare All-Models Catalogue circa 1961
HAUSER rare All-Models Catalogue circa 1961 - Jig Borers, Jig Grinders, Optical Checking & Measuring Instruments, Special Automatic machines for Watch and Instrument making. 38 pages
H100B HAUSER All-Models General Catalogue (1986)
HAUSER General catalogue (1986) showing: Jig Grinders Models 50L, 50 and 40, Model 2, Model 3. Jig Borers No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3. CNC Controls Types 111, 314 and 311. Profile projectors H751-111, P750-DR, P750, H601, H560, H300. Workshop measuring microscopes Types H302 and H30. hardness testers 249A Vickers, 292-DR Rockwell and a number of Special machines. 16 pages
Hauser All-Models Manufacturing Programme Catalogue 1982
HAUSER Manufacturing Programme 1982 Catalogue. Shows:. Jig Grinders 2SO, 2S-DR, S3-DR, S3-111, S3-CNC211, S3-CNC311, S40-111, S40-DR, S40-CNC211, S40-CNC311, S50-DR, S50-111, S50-CNC211, S50-CNC311, S50L-111, S50L-CNC211 S50L-CNC311. Jig Boring Machines Size 1, Size 2, Size 3. Profile Projectors H300, H560, H601, H751-111.
HAUSER Tools and Accessories for Jig Grinders Catalogue
H100Y HAUSER Tools & Accessories for Jig Grinders. Sales & Technical
Specification Catalogue. 20 pages.
S224A SIP/Hauser Jig Borers Manufacturing Programme Catalogue 1970s
SIP/Hauser Manufacturing Programme Catalogue 1970s. Shows the Types SIP640, SIP740, MP-42DR, MP-52DR, MP-44, MP-54, SIP 302M, SIP305M, SIP1002M, SIP3002M, SIP414M, SIP560M, "Omnisip", OPUS6, OPUs7, and "Logisip". 20 pages.
HAUSER Type 5 Jig Borer Catalogue
HAUSER Type 5 Jig Borer. Well illustrated and detailed Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue 16
HAUSER Type 4 Jig Borer Catalogue
HAUSER Type OP2 and OP3 Jig Borers Catalogues.
HAUSER Type OP2 and OP3 Jig Borers. Two separate Sales. Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue. 2 pages and 16 pages respectively
HAUSER B3DR Jig Borer Catalogue
HAUSER 3BA Jig Borer Catalogues
HAUSER 3BA Jig Borer. Two separate Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogues. 12 pages and 4 pages respectively.
HAUSER 2BA and 2A3 Jig Borers late models' Catalogue
HAUSER 2BA and 2A3 Jig Borers. Two separate Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogues for the later model with "HAUSER" written down each side of the stand's front face. 24 pages.
HAUSER Jig Borer Type 1 Catalogue
HAUSER Jig Borer Type 1. Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue. 4 pages.
HAUSER Jig Borer. Special Catalogue in French "Rapport Technique" - use of the rotary, optical and other attachments. .
HAUSER Jig Borer. Special Catalogue in French "Rapport Technique" showing the use of the rotary and optical and other attachments. Includes a general product section. 26 pages.
HAUSER Type 250 Jig Grinder Catalogue
HAUSER Type 250 Jig Grinder. Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue. 4 pages
HAUSER Type 3S Jig Grinder Catalogue
HAUSER Type 3S Jig Grinder. Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue. 4 pages
HAUSER Type 3S-DR Jig Grinder Catalogue
HAUSER Type 3S-DR Jig Grinder. Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue. 20 pages