Model: AM

This page displays all the content on the website associated with the 'AM' model. Numeric models include all prefixes, such as 'Number', 'Mark', 'Size' etc.

Manuals for Model: AM

Print code: MF90

Fortuna AFB-A and AFB-AM (AFB-300 Finimag). Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual

Print code: MG760C

Graffenstaden AM-162 Boring and Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction and Lubrication Manual. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue and a pack of 6 drawings supplied with new machines.

Print code: MM546

MYFORD VM-C Milling Machine (Myford VMC) also badged Warco (all made in Taiwan). A collection of all known literature including the manual for the VM-C and the similar types AM, VO-A1, and A1. Operator's Instructions with Parts as Sectional drawings. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue and price lists for the VM-C and VM-E.

Print code: P825B

Pullmax Plate and Sheet Metal Workers. "What the Pullmax Can do" Early Catalogue from 1953 showing the models Major 2 and Models D3, P5, P3/2, AL and AL. Describes in detail the principles of operation, how to cut slots, louvres, figures, circles, straights, folding or joggling, nibbling, doming, cutting to a template. Describes, cutting tools, power-feed attachment and how Pullmax machines are manufactured.32 pages.

Print code: Z50B

ZAYER Models AM and BM Ram-type Milling Machines. Detailed Sales and Technical
Specification Catalogue. English, French, German and Spanish text. 16 pages.