
Manuals and Catalogues

Print code: L442HJ

LORCH BV1-K standard and BV1-K Short-bed and BV11-K Lathes Sales & Technical Specification Sheet. 4 pages.

Print code: L441

LORCH & Lorch Schmidt - wonderful full-range, fully-illustrated Sales & Specification catalogue from circa 1910 showing watchmaker lathes of the Geneva and WW Types, the backgeared and screwcutting lathes, milling machines, accessories, collets, production equipment, drive systems, etc. as produced from around 1890 to 1930 and later (accessories for watchmakers' lathes barely changed at all after 1910). 76 pages.

Print code: L441A

LORCH General Catalogue shows the complete range of Precision Plain Turning & Screwcutting Lathes, & their accessories, current from the 1920s until the late 1930s. 42 pages.

Print code: L441B

LORCH: General Catalogue shows the complete range of Precision Plain Turning & Screwcutting Lathes, and their accessories current from the late 1930s until the 1950s. 40 pages.

Print code: L441X

Lorch "Manufacturing Programe" Circa early 1950s. Gives basic details of the lathes types (and sub types) AV1, BV1, BV1R, LLPN, BP, AVI, LLRGNJ, AVIRG, AVI, LAN, BIIZ, D27, ARR (Type LLN), ARS (Type AVI), HDH (Type AVI), WW and "Geneva" Watchmakers. 8 pages

Print code: L442A

LORCH Watchmaker Lathes Accessory Sheets. 6 pages.

Print code: L442B

LORCH AV, AV1, AV4, AV1-K, AV1-L, AV1-k & AV11K Lathes. Sales & Technical Specification Catalogues (4 in total covering all the Lorch lathes with an "AV" prefix from early simple plain-turning models to the last of the underdrive screwcutting type) . 16 pages.

Print code: L442F

LORCH B27LZ Lathe Sales & Technical Specification Sheet. 2 pages.

Print code: L442G

LORCH B11Z Lathe Sales & Technical Specification Sheet. 2 pages

Print code: L442L

LORCH BVIR-K Lathe Sales & Technical Specification Sheet. 2 pages

Print code: L442M

LORCH JUNIOR Universal Lathe. Two Sales & Technical Specification Catalogues with detailed content. 6 pages

Print code: L442N

LORCH KD50 Lathe Sales & Technical Specification Sheets. 3 pages together with a later 2-page edition.

Print code: L442N

LORCH KD50 Lathe Sales & Technical Specification Sheet. 3 pages together with a later 2-page edition.

Print code: L442RK

LORCH LL-K Precision Instrument Lathe. Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue. 8 pages. Duplicated with English and German Text.

Print code: L442RQ

LORCH LAS Lathe Early and Late Edition Sales & Technical Specification Sheets - with price list. 8 pages

Print code: L442T

LORCH B30LZs & B30LZ Lathes. Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue. 10 pages

Print code: L442U

LORCH P-Type Sliding Spindle Lathes (LLPV, A11P, BP, BV1P & BV1PO). Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue, 4 pages, and the  LORCH BV1PO Optical Thread-chasing Lathe Sales & Technical Specification Sheets. 2 pages

Print code: L442V

LORCH Boxed Watchmakers' Lathes Sales & Technical Specification & Accessories Catalogue. 9 pages.

Print code: L443

Lorch Precision Instrument Lathes 1970: Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue. 4 page + 2 pages listing accessories and prices. All English text)

Print code: L444


Lorch Lathe Accessories for Models A, B and C. 19 pages

Print code: ML230

Lorch LAS Lathe: Instruction Manual, Illustrated Parts Manual and Sectional Drawings. Includes a set of Sales and Specification sheets for the LAS and similar versions - LL-K, LL-V, LL-S, LL-PV, PLL-V, PLL-S, etc

Print code: ML230A

Lorch B30 LZS and B30LZ Lathes: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with English text. Includes copies of the essential screwcutting and power-feed charts, explanations of how to generate thread pitches not on the charts, specifications of the bearings used in the lathe and a copy of the maker's detailed and well-illustrated Technical Sales and Specification catalogue.

Print code: ML230B

Lorch KD50 lathe. Data pack consisting of a German language manual with useful sectional drawings of headstock and compound slide, wiring diagram, test charts, etc. Three catalogues, one in English, two in German giving the complete specification.

Print code: ML442T

LORCH B30LZs & B30LZ Lathes. Operation Manual with a copy of the maker's Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue.

For Sale & Wanted

Lorch LAS model 2.5" x 11.25" miniature precision backgeared and screwcutting lathe in good used condition.

Asking price: £2,700.00
Location: Redruth, United Kingdom