Lorch Catalogue 1890 to 1930

LORCH & Lorch Schmidt - wonderful full-range, fully-illustrated Sales & Specification catalogue from circa 1910 showing watchmaker lathes of the Geneva and WW Types, the backgeared and screwcutting lathes, milling machines, accessories, collets, production equipment, drive systems, etc.

  • Catalog
Lorch KD50 Operators Manual

Lorch KD50 lathe. Data pack consisting of a German language manual with useful sectional drawings of headstock and compound slide, wiring diagram, test charts, etc. Three catalogues, one in English, two in German giving the complete specification.

  • Catalog
  • Electrical Diagrams
  • Operators Manual
Lorch LAS Operators Manual

Lorch LAS Lathe: Instruction Manual, Illustrated Parts Manual and Sectional Drawings. Includes a set of Sales and Specification sheets for the LAS and similar versions - LL-K, LL-V, LL-S, LL-PV, PLL-V, PLL-S, etc

  • Operators Manual
  • Parts Manual
  • Catalog