
HARDINGE No. 4 catalogue dated 1901. Superb, fully illustrated and written guide to Hardinge Machine Tool and Watchmaking Accessories: collets, drill press, Model A lathe, pivot polisher and attachments, universal wheel cutter and attachments, rounding up tool for wheel cutting attachment, cutters for wheel and pinion, powdering mortar, arbor chucks, screw chucks, cement brasses, jumbo chuck, cement brass die, Fuch’s Universal Arbor Chuck, the Hardinge Escapement Matching Tool, watch oiler, Connor’s Watch Oiler, wax chucks, wood chucks, jewelling chucks, roller chuck, crown chucks, jewelling chuck soft steel, Hardinge cylinder wire chuck, old style gem chuck, Enlarged Dale Drill Chuck, Jewel pivot drill chuck, Dale centring chuck, screw finishing chuck, Trued Dale Pivot Drill Chuck, hand turning chucks, dead centre whirl, pivot straightener, hair spring remover, balance truing pliers, ball bearing thrust (lathe spindle thrust improver), stone setting chuck, lap truing chuck, clock and watch closing punch, pendant bow milling tool, emery facer, bell metal slips, box wood slips, screw pressure punch, watchmakers' grinder, balance chucks, universal high-speed attachment, Scholer Crown Chuck, screw bluing appliance, pendant taps, pin vises, backrest (steady rest) for lathe, speed wheel, Buff chuck, The Hardinge Eclipse Lathe Fixture, Eclipse Fixture Slide, Owen’s Stone Setting Device, tweezers, tempered pivot and drill wire. Kraehmer’s Patent Glass and Bezel Gauge, box tool independent reversible 4-jaw chuck Hardinge Improved Roller and Hand Remover, spectacle screw driver, jewel burnisher, lathe chuck handle, stumps for staking tool, Hardinge Stepping Device, rotary hand pivot polisher, Harding Clock Pivoting Device, Hardinge Handy Tripod, jewel pushers, true taper chucks and faceplates, work carriers, square back centre, taps dies and adjustable hand dies, chuck socket and draw back chuck and draw spindle, improved ground thrust chucks, etc.72 pages.

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