
Drummond/Myford M-Type lathe. There never was a proper "handbook" for the Myford/Drummond M-Series of lathes, but we can supply four Sales & Accessories Catalogues (that include the essential headstock bearing adjustment instructions) - these representing everything published about the lathe presented as a high-quality, bound print. To help with the practicalities of using the lathe I'd recommend a copy of the comprehensive and easily-understood book, "The Amateur's Lathe" - this is shown below.


  • Drummond / Myford Transition Booklet
    Myford/Drummond M-Type lathe: The "transition" booklet when Myford took over manufacture in 1941.
  • Drummond 1921 M-Type
    Drummond 1921 3.5-inch M-Type. 12-pages plus 2-page letter from the makers.
  • Drummond 1930 M-Type Manual
    Drummond 1930-1942 M-Type. Sales Booklet. Contains details of the essential headstock bearing adjustment technique a study of which will enable you to dismantle the headstock safely. 12 pages.
  • Drummond M-Type Attachments Catalog
    Drummond M-Type Lathe: Special Attachments & Accessories Catalogue. 16 pages.


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