Gosmeta D135

Gosmeta D135 Lathe (appears identical to the Gromatic 140 and the manual is for that machine ). Operation & Maintenance Manual with useful Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics. The lathe shown has two separate levers on the front of the stand to change the spindle speeds.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
Gosmeta Straight Back Eccentric Presses Models EP-6, EP13, EP-25, EP-40, EP-60, EP-80, EP-100, EP-120 and EP-150. Detailed Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue

Gosmeta Straight Back Eccentric Presses Models EP-6, EP13, EP-25, EP-40, EP-60, EP-80, EP-100. EP-120 and EP-150. Detailed Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue with full data about the machines' capacities, construction and functions.Includes cutaway drawings. 14 pages.

  • Catalog
Gromatic 140 Lathe Manual

Gromatic 140 Lathe (appears identical to the Gosmeta 135). Operation & Maintenance Manual with useful Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics. The lathe shown has two separate levers on the front of the stand to change the spindle speeds.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Electrical Diagrams