Stankoimport 6P Series Ram-head & Knee-Type Milling Machines Manual
Stankoimport (Stanko) 6P Series Ram Head & Knee Type Milling Machines - Horizontal, Vertical and Ram Head including the 6P82W and 6P83W Ram Head Types - for which the manual was written - but also covering the knee and table assembles of the following (allowing for the usual confusing listing employed by Stanko) 6P82, 6P83, 6P82R, 6P83R, 6P82W, 6P83W, 6P12, 6P13, 6P12b and
Stankoimport Knee-Type Milling Machines Electrical Service Instructions
Stankoimport (Stanko) 6P Series Milling Machines (Russian): Electrical Equipment Manuals in English (2 Booklets).
Herbert 12B Combination Turret Lathe Manual
Herbert 12B Combination Turret Lathe. Operators Handbook with Maintenance Instructions. Includes a copy of the maker's detailed Sales & Specification Catalogue.
Qualters and Smith 12A and 12B Electrical Diagrams
Qualters and Smith 12A and 12B Band Saw. Electrical Blueprints.