Warner and Swasey 1AC Manual
Warner and Swasey 1AC Single Spindle Chucking Automatic: Operator's Instruction Manual.
Warner and Swasey 1AC Maintenance Manual
Warner and Swasey No. 1AC Single-spindle Chucking Automatic: Service Manual and part-exploded, part-Sectional Parts Manual and detailed Assembly Diagrams.
Warner and Swasey 1AC and 2CA Pre-Setting Instructions
Warner and Swasey Pre-Setting Instruction Book for 1AC and 2CA machines. detailed descriptions of how to set tooling for maximum efficiency and production.
Warner and Swasey 1AC and 2CA Pre-Setting Instructions
Warner and Swasey Pre-Setting Instruction Book for 1AC and 2CA machines. detailed descriptions of how to set tooling for maximum efficiency and production.