AA Craftsman 80 and 109 Dunlap, Simpson & Corlan Lathes Data Pack
AA Type 109 (Craftsman), Craftsman Model 80, S Lathes (as made by the American "Double A" Company) and branded "Dunlap 6-inch", "Craftsman 80", "Craftsman 6-inch", "Simpson" and "Corlan" Operating Instructions and Illustrated Spares Sheets for all the models made plus a large set (75 pages) of advertisement and technical specif
AA lathes badged as Craftsman109 and 80 Manual
Craftsman 109, 80 and Dunlap Lathes with Model numbers" 109.07020, 109.07030, 109.20460, 109.20530, 109.20620, 109.20630, 109.20640, 109.20820 and 109.21270, etc. Operating Manual and Illustrated Spares Sheets for all three different models: These models were made by the "AA" Company - full details in the Archive here
Fischer KDM 19/80 Manual
Fischer +GF+ KDM 19/80 Copying Lathe. Detailed Operating Instructions and Maintenance.