Model: No.3

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Manuals for Model: No.3

Print code: A406

ADCOCK and SHIPLEY Milling Machines from the 1930s and 1940 Horizontal and Vertical Types: No.0, No.1, No.2, No.2AG and No.3 Models. 36 pages

Print code: A406

Adcock & Shipley 1930s, 1940s, 1950s Milling  Machines Vertical and Horizontal No.0, No.1, No.2, No.2AG, No.3 and No.4AG  Set of Sales and Technical Specification Catalogues. 70 pages

Print code: A406A3

ADCOCK and SHIPLEY No.3 Milling Machine from the 1940s (Large speed-change dial on the right-hand face of the column). Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue with annotated pictures of the control levers and their functions. 8 pages

Print code: B799BX

Brown and Sharpe Millers Catalog Collection: No.000, No.0, No.2Y, No.3, No.3B, No.10, No.12, No.13, No.22, Rangemaster and Vertical and Universal Milling Attachments. 100 pages.

Print code: B870A

BURKE Bench and Floor Millers No. 1, No.3, No. 4. Sales and Technical Specification Catalog. 4 pages.

Print code: F36

FELL Wood-turning and automatic production lathes Types M.F., M.F.B., M.F.F., C.B Sanding and Polishing Lathe, G.R. Small Boring lathe, Type L.J. "Semi-automatic Pattress Turning Machine", Chucking Machine Type G.R.B., "Automatic Variety Turning Machine Types ASG, GG, G.S.A., No.1, No.3 and G.S.B. 'Automatic Variety Turning Machine'. All the lathes made by Fell extracted from a larger, all-models Catalogue. 26 pages.

Print code: G173

GRAFFENSTADEN SACM Societe Alsacienne De Constructions Mechaniques. Full-range Milling Machine Sales Technical Specification Catalogue circa 1940s showing the No.1, No.2, No.2 and No.2 Horizontal, Universal and Vertical Milling Machines. Lots of well-illustrated pages with an abundance of technical details that make it almost as useful as a manual. 23 pages.

Print code: MA481-23

AJAX No.2 and No.3 Horizontal Milling Machines. Spare Parts Manual as useful Sectional Drawings. £40