MOORE No. 3 Jig BORER. Catalogue

MOORE No. 3 Jig BORER. Highly detailed and profusely illustrated Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue that gives every detail of the machine's construction, it use with annotated control diagrams and articles about how the the jig borer was built. 34 pages.

  • Catalog
Moore No.1 Jig Borer. Manual

Moore No. 1 Jig Borer - the first version made. This had open V-belt drive over 5-step pulleys; to the top rear of the main column a 4-spoke capstan handwheel and to the right-hand side of the elevating head, a 4-spoke full-cycle handwheel. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Photographic Plates.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Parts Manual