Cazeneuve HB500, HB575 & HB725 Lathe. Data Pack Manual




HB500 HB575 HB725

Machine types: 



  • Operators Manual
  • Electrical Diagrams
  • Catalog

CAZENEUVE Lathes HB500, HB575, HB725 Manuals - two editions making up a complete Data Pack: a very high quality, English-language, complete data pack including both the earlier, smaller edition of the manual and the later and more complete issue. Each is an Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual and a Parts Manual as detailed sectional drawings with Electrical Schematics. To improve clarity, many of the sectional and electrical drawings have been scanned individually at high resolution and are blown up to fill a whole page. As the screwcutting charts are often damaged on HB lathes these have been included as extra-large diagrams which can be used to make new copies. Also includes a comprehensive (beautifully illustrated) Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue.


All manuals are scanned at high resolution and supplied as a top-quality print, bound and on a superior 129g paper.

Unless otherwise stated, all manuals are in English. We ship world-wide to all destinations.

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