
Russian alphabet labeling can make identification of model types difficult. If in doubt, please email us a picture of your lathe.

Stankoimport 6P Series Ram-head & Knee-Type Milling Machines Manual

Stankoimport (Stanko) 6P Series Ram Head & Knee Type Milling Machines - Horizontal, Vertical and Ram Head including the 6P82W and 6P83W Ram Head Types - for which the manual was written - but also covering the knee and table assembles of the following (allowing for the usual confusing listing employed by Stanko) 6P82, 6P83, 6P82R, 6P83R, 6P82W, 6P83W, 6P12, 6P13, 6P12b and

  • Operators Manual
  • Electrical Diagrams
  • Technical Drawings
Stankoimport 6P Series Universal Ram-head Milling Machines Data Pack

Stankoimport 6P Series Universal Ram-head Milling Machines (Types: 6P82W and 6P83W, 6P82, 6P83, 6P12, 6P13, 6P62R, 6P83R, 5P12b, 6P13b, 6P822111, 6P83111, etc.): Comprehensive, high-quality, Operator's Instruction and Service Manual and a separate Manual titled Service Instructions for Electrical Equipment. (3 Parts in all).

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Electrical Diagrams