Stankoimport 2-450 Jig Borer Maintenance Manual
Stankoimport (Stanko) 2-450 Jig Borer. Service Manual
STANKOIMPORT 6T80W, 6T80R, 6T80 & 6T10 knee-type milling machines. Operator's Detailed Instruction & Parts Manual
STANKOIMPORT 6T80III 6T80R, 6T80 and 6T10 knee-type milling machines. Data Pack consisting of Operator's Detailed Instruction Manual with sectional drawings, alignment data, trouble-shooting guides and a Parts Manual.
STANKOIMPORT 6T80W, 6T80R, 6T80 and 6T10 knee-type milling machines Spare Parts Manual
STANKOIMPORT 6T80W, 6T80R, 6T80 and 6T10 knee-type milling machines. Spare Parts Manual
Stankoimport 6P Series Universal Ram-head Milling Machines Data Pack
Stankoimport 6P Series Universal Ram-head Milling Machines (Types: 6P82W and 6P83W, 6P82, 6P83, 6P12, 6P13, 6P62R, 6P83R, 5P12b, 6P13b, 6P822111, 6P83111, etc.): Comprehensive, high-quality, Operator's Instruction and Service Manual and a separate Manual titled Service Instructions for Electrical Equipment. (3 Parts in all).
STANKOIMPORT TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER Operator's Instruction Manual
STANKOIMPORT TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER. The Company's most popular model was a copy of the Cincinnati No. 2 TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER - and a copy of the manual for that machine is offered in place of a yet-to-be discovered Russian edition. Very Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual together with a copy of the interesting Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue.
STANKOIMPORT TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER Service, Adjustment, Dismantling & Parts Manual
STANKOIMPORT TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER Service, Adjustment and Dismantling Manual, and Illustrated Parts' List Manual. The Company's most popular model was a copy of the Cincinnati No. 2 TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER - and a copy of the manual for that machine is offered in place of the yet-to-be discovered Russian edition.
STANKOIMPORT 676 Miller manual
STANKOIMPORT 676 Precision Milling Machine (Russian) Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with additional section of parts subject to wear shown as fully-dimensioned Drawings and Electrical Schematics. This edition is in GERMAN. £75 For an edition in English click here
Stankoimport 6M12 Vertical Milling Machine Service Manual
Service Manual for the Stankoimport 6M12 Vertical Milling Machine - large format annotated sectional drawings.
STANKOIMPORT (Russian) 16b16, 16b16, 16b1611, 16T16, 16b16K, 16b16K11 and 16T16K Lathes. Manual
STANKOIMPORT (Russian) 16b16 and 16b16 Mk.2 Lathes. Operator's Instruction Manual with Parts as useful sectional drawings. Includes a chart of additional screwcutting pitches. Two manuals are included, one in English, the other in Russian - the latter containing a greater number of sectional drawings and electrical schematics.
Stankoimport (Stanko) IK62 Toolroom Lathe. Combined Operation and Parts Manual
STANKOIMPORT (Russian) 1N611N Lathe Spare Parts Manual
STANKOIMPORT (Russian) 1N611N Lathe. Spare Parts Manual as useful and detailed Sectional Drawings.
Stankoimport 6T12 and 6T13 Maintenance Manual
Stankoimport 6T12 and 6T13 Vertical Millers Service and Maintenance Manual.
Stankoimport 1A616 Lathe Manual
Stankoimport 1A616 Toolroom Lathe. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Equipment Electrical Manual and Schematics. Includes a copy of the Sales Specification Sheet.
Stankoimport 6P Series Ram-head & Knee-Type Milling Machines Manual
Stankoimport (Stanko) 6P Series Ram Head & Knee Type Milling Machines - Horizontal, Vertical and Ram Head including the 6P82W and 6P83W Ram Head Types - for which the manual was written - but also covering the knee and table assembles of the following (allowing for the usual confusing listing employed by Stanko) 6P82, 6P83, 6P82R, 6P83R, 6P82W, 6P83W, 6P12, 6P13, 6P12b and