Induma 2U and 3U Milling Machines - late model with dial control of speeds: Detailed Service Manual and Parts Catalogue as Sectional Drawings.
Model: 3U
This page displays all the content on the website associated with the '3U' model. Numeric models include all prefixes, such as 'Number', 'Mark', 'Size' etc.
Manuals for Model: 3U
JOHANSSON Cylindrical Grinding Machines 1U, 2U and 2P. Also sold as the SNOW. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional and 3D Drawings.
Potter and Johnston 3U Speed-Flex Automatic Turret Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manual.
SIMPLON 3U Milling Machine (by Gemmo). Simplon 3U Milling Machine (by Gemmo). Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings and an electrical schematic. The manual will also help with the plain, non-swing table version and the knee and table part of the vertical model. Includes a Sales & Technical Specification Catalogues for the: VA, 2URT, UF, UM and UN.
Simplon 3U Milling Machine (by Gemmo). Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings and an electrical schematic. The manual will also help with the plain, non-swing table version and the knee and table part of the vertical model. Includes a Sales & Technical Specification Catalogues for the: VA, 2URT, UF, UM and UN.
Zayer 3U Universal Milling Machine Operator's Instruction Manual.
Zayer 3U Universal Milling Machine - Full set of Sectional Drawings (Maker's originals - but they are not of the best quality).