AUTOMETRIC Horizontal Jig Borer. Catalog

AUTOMETRIC Jig Borer. This most unusual machine with round bars for all the sideways - and appears to have been built by the Autometric Machine Tool Co of Berkeley, California; the Meyer Mechanical Laboratory and then by Kearney & Trecker. Two Sales and Technical Catalogs one by Meyer with 8 pages and a second with 12 pages by the Autometric Machine Co.

Meyer EB4004 Eltrobalance Manual

Meyer EB4004 Eltrobalance Dynamic Balancing Unit and balancing Heads Types 2000/4000. Operator's Instruction Manuals. Includes an electrical drawing showing the Alarm, Start-circuit, Stop-circuit, System Error and Option RPM control settings; basic dismantling instructions for the Balancing Heads and a brief Trouble-shooting Guide.

  • Operators Manual
  • Electrical Diagrams