"Formulas in Gearing". Comprehensive 266-page text book covering every gear type
Brown & Sharpe "Formulas in Gearing - with Practical Suggestions" a Comprehensive 266-page text book covering every gear type. Every calculation carefully explained with useful suggestions. The preface say s: "This book deals with the subject of gearing, essentially from the designer's and draftsman's standpoint.
- Operators Manual
- Other
Brown & Sharpe 1951 Full-range Catalog Milling, Grinding & Screw Machines
Brown & Sharpe Full-range Catalogue dated 1951: Milling, Grinding and
Screw Machines. 40 pages well-illustrated pages.
Brown and Sharpe Pumps (coolant pump) Repair Parts Manual 'Current and Old designs and Discontinued Models'
Brown and Sharpe Pumps (coolant pump) Repair Parts Manual 'Current and Old designs and Discontinued Models'.
- Parts Manual
Browne and Sharpe Validator 50 Coordinate Measuring Machine Manual
Brown and Sharpe Validator 50 Coordinate Measuring machine. Instruction Manual with Routine Maintenance, a Detailed description of the Electronics, a Number of Circuit Diagrams, Elementary Diagnostics & Adjustments.