
Clausing / Colchester: many of the Clausing / Colchester lathes were identical to the ordinary English Colchester machines and convert as follows:
13-inch Clausing = Colchester Student/Master
15-inch Clausing = Colchester Triumph
17-inch Clausing = Colchester Mascot and later Mascot 1600
21-inch Clausing = Colchester Mastiff 1400
Click here for pictures to help identify your lathe. If your model is not shown please enquire (details at top of page).

Clausing full-range Catalogue showing the lathes of the 1960s and 1970s

Clausing full-range Catalogue showing the lathes of the 1960s and 1970s. Contains full details of all the lathes (including imported and re-badged English Colchester models): 17 -inch, 15-inch, 13-inch; 6900 Series (14-inch); 5900 Series (12-inch); 4900 Series (10-inch) and Accessories for the full range. Vertical and Horizontal Millers and Drill Presses. 82 pages.

  • Catalog