
Many Colchester manuals are listed below. However, pre-1946 there were no proper technical publications for Colchester lathes - but we can offer an interesting set of early Catalogues (listed below).

COLCHESTER CNC Lathes - a set of Sixteen Catalogues

COLCHESTER CNC Lathes - a Sixteen Catalogue Set showing the: Three Tornado catalogues covering the Tornado Models 110, 210, 310, MBF1000, T2, T4, T8, T6M, T6MS, T8M and T8MS.

Colchester CNC1000, 2000, 3000 & 4000 Lathes Instruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual

Colchester CNC Lathes Models: CNC2000 (also covers the CNC1000, CNC3000 and CNC4000) with Fanuc OTA Controls. Comprehensive and detailed 680-page manual with contents described as: Operating Instructions, Part Programming, Installation, Mechanical Service, Maintenance Adjustments and a Spare Parts Manual as clear  Exploded Component Drawings.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Parts Manual