Alexander 2CGD (SO & SOE) Tool & Cutter Manual

Alexander (George Alexander GHA) 2CGD Tool and Cutter Grinder (a copy of the Deckel Model "SO" and SOE). Including:
Early and late manuals for the simpler SO model together with the full manual for the more complex and versatile SOE.
A copy of the maker's Sales and Accessories Catalogue and all the relevant extracts from the Deckel Technical Bulletins.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Catalog
Deckel LKS Manual

Deckel LKS Optical Coordinate Grinding Machine: Operating and Maintenance Manual with Dismantling Instructions.

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
Deckel SO Tool & Cutter Grinder Parts List

Deckel SO Tool and Cutter Grinder:(Alexander GHA Clone) Parts Manual as detailed Cross-Sectional Drawings. This edition Includes both Mk.1 and Mk.2 (early and late) cabinet and bench-mounting machines. Includes the useful and detailed technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.

  • Parts Manual
  • Catalog
Deckel Technical Bulletins

Deckel Technical Bulletins - The complete set from the 1950s to the 1970s. Detailed and incredibly useful advice - based on customer feedback - about getting the best from a wide range Deckel machine tools: Millers, Pantograph Engravers, Profiling Millers, Tool and Cutter Grinders, KF Die Sinking machines, etc. Wonderful photographs and diagrams. 429 pages

  • Operators Manual
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Technical Drawings
  • Other