Heidenhain TNC 151A, TNC 151P, TNC 155A and TNC 155P Mounting Instructions and "Interface Circuit Control-Machine" (Operating and Programming Instructions). This manual contains a large section of instructions concerning machine parameters; this includes: machine parameters determined by machine design,or freely determined, parameters for feed rates, reference mark approach, output of spindle speeds, output of tool numbers and tool store numbers - and other functions. parameters that require optimization during commissioning and preliminary values, common machine parameters for both ramp characteristics, linear characteristics, parameters for "square root" characteristic, error messages, parameters which are determined after completion of parameters for ramp characteristic, machine parameters related to the PLC, parameters in conjunction with the V.24 -(RS-232-C) data interface, operating mode. "Standard Data Interface", Operating mode "Transfer Blockwise", Transfer Blockwise from a peripheral unit to the TNC 161 and 155, characteristics and block formats for various operating modes, hardcopy printout of graphics and machine parameters for handwheels and touch probe systems.
The manual then gives what appear to be lists of sample parameters and possible entry values in relation to the systems just listed.