Service Manual (Data Interfaces) for Heidenhain Controllers

Service Manual (Data Interfaces) for Heidenhain Controllers (with machine parameters): TNC 122, TNC 124, TNC 125, TNC 131/135, TNC 145, TNC 150/151/155, TNC 246, TNC 2500, TNC 306, TNC 310, TNC 335, TNC 351/355, TNC 360, TNC 370, TNC 406, TNC 407/415, TNC 410, TNC 425TNC 426/430, CNC 232 B, CNC 234.xx and CNC 332

Bridgeport Interact Series 1 Mk. 2 Maintenance Manual

Bridgeport Interact Series 1 Mk. 2 Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings for machines with Heidenhain TNC2500 Control with additional Parameter Sheets. Some electrical schematics are included, sourced from the factory before it closed; however, these are poor-quality reproductions.

  • Operators Manual
  • Parts Manual
  • Electrical Diagrams