Craftsman 12-inch Lathe (pre 1958) Complete Data Pack Collection
Craftsman 12-inch and Atlas 10-inch Lathes pre-1957: While the lathe remained basically the same for many years, with identical major components, various specifications were available with Model Numbers that included, over the years: 10-F, 10-D, TA36, TA42, TA48, TA54, TH36, TH42, TH48, TH54, TV36, TV42, TV48, TV54, H36, H42, H48, H54, V36, V42, V48, V54, QC42, QC54, etc.
Craftsman 12-inch Lathe - Later post 1957 model. Data Pack Collection
CRAFTSMAN 12-inch LATHES late model from 1957 onwards - this model was identical to the Atlas 12-inch and sometimes labelled as the "Commercial". It is found with the following Model Numbers (the suffix digits indicating some slight differences in specification, motor size, etc): 101.2890, 101.28900, 101.28950, 101.28910, 101.28940, 101.2758, 101.2759, 101.2895N, 101.2893