Model: 15FY 15HA

This page displays all the content on the website associated with the '15FY 15HA' model. Numeric models include all prefixes, such as 'Number', 'Mark', 'Size' etc.

Manuals for Model: 15FY 15HA

Print code: MP237D

POLLARD "Corona" 15-inch Drill Series: 15AX, 15AY, 15CX, 15CY, 15DX, 15DY, 15EX, 15EY, 15LX, 15LY, 15FX, 15FY 15HA, 15HF, 15HC, 15HCF, 15HD, 15HDF, 15HE, 15HEF, 15HL and 15HLF 15-inch Drilling Machines with head-mounted motors. This machine was built in a wide variety of types including 4-speed hand-feed, 8-speed with reduction gearbox and hand feed, 4-speed with auto downfeed, 8-speed with auto downfeed, single-speed handfeed and 9-speed auto downfeed (and probably others).