Model: 2BA

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Manuals for Model: 2BA

Print code: H100E

HAUSER 2BA and 2A3 Jig Borers. Two separate Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogues for the later model with "HAUSER" written down each side of the stand's front face. 24 pages.

Print code: MH110B

HAUSER 2BA Jig Borer Type - early "round top" design with rounded edges to the stand. Two Operation and Maintenance Manuals were produced for this model in shorter and longer editions; they have some commonality but also unique content, so both are included. Detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with electrical schematics. Includes Use of Accessories and a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

Print code: MH110C

Hauser 2BA Jig Borer Type - later "flat-top" design and with word Hauser down each front face of the square-edged stand. Data Pack with a detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual. Includes an electrical schematic, Electrical Fault-find Guide, Use of Accessories, Parts as Sectional Drawings and a copy of the maker's Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

For Sale

A lovely Swiss-built Hauser 2BA Jig Borer. I'm the 3rd owner of this machine - it was first purchased by Wickman Machine Tools of Coventry and then, for the last 30 years, used by a well-established Engineering company in Essex.

Asking price: £2,450.00
Location: United Kingdom