Deckel "Clone": Superuniversal Model 675 a Russian-built copy of the Deckel FP1 Universal Toolroom Miller. Comprehensive Manual with Electrical Schematics and Sectional General Engineering Drawings.
Model: 675
This page displays all the content on the website associated with the '675' model. Numeric models include all prefixes, such as 'Number', 'Mark', 'Size' etc.
Manuals for Model: 675
New Britain (Britain-Gridley) Models 49 and 675 4 and 6 Spindle Automatic Chucking Machines. Operator's Instruction Book.
Stankoimport "675" Precision Universal Milling Machine (Russian) similar in design to the Deckel FP Series and appearing to have been developed from the Polish "Avia" and Polamco" models. Huge 9276-page) Detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual (two parts) together with Sectional Drawings and a large separate section detailing "wearing parts" and their precise dimensions - the drawings in the latter part of the manual has been enlarged for clarity.
Superuniversal Model 675 (675 "11") a Russian-built miller along the lines of the Deckel FP1 Universal Toolroom Miller. Comprehensive Manual with Electrical Schematics and Sectional General Engineering Drawings.