Cleveland Rigidhobbers S-1623 and S-1630. Maintenance & Parts Manual.
Cleveland Rigidhobbers S-1623 and S-1630 (23" and 30" between centre) Mk.5 and Mk.6 Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.
Cleveland Rigidhobber Mk. 4, 5 and 6. Manual
Churchill Rigidhobber Manual
Churchill Rigidhobber S-1623 and S-1630 (23" and 30" between centre) Mk.5 and Mk.6 Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.
Churchill Rigidhobber Manual
Churchill Rigidhobber Mk. 4, 5 and 6. Operator's instructions
Fellows 6 and 6A Series Gear Shapers Manual
Fellows 6 and 6A Series Gear Shapers including 6A3, 61A, 612A, 615A, 645A, 61A, 62A, 64A, 624A, 62A3, 65A3, 624A3, 645A3: Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual.