Model: 5

This page displays all the content on the website associated with the '5' model. Numeric models include all prefixes, such as 'Number', 'Mark', 'Size' etc.

Manuals for Model: 5

Print code: ME71M

EDWARDS TRUECUT DD (Direct Drive) Guillotines sometimes marked "600" - which just means made when owned by the "600 Machine Tool Group". A complete and comprehensive data pack with Operator's Instructions, Maintenance and Spare Parts as Exploded Component Drawings. Covers early and late examples (two manuals are included) and the different drive systems of the 2.5/1250, 2.5/2000, 2.5/2500, 2.5/3000, 3.25/1250, 3.25/2000, 2/3000 2.5/2500, 2.5/3000, 2.5/3600 etc.

Print code: B14

BARNES (USA) Lathes Catalogue for 1921 showing the full range with photographs and engravings. Models: No. 41/2, No. 5, No. 13, 13 and 18-inch Engine Lathes & Accessories. 31 pages.

Print code: C11C

Cataract No. 5 Milling Machine. Sales and Specification Catalogue.

Print code: G175

GRAND RAPIDS (Gallmeyer & Livingstone) Universal Tool & Cutter Grinders Models 3, 4, 5, 10, 12, 60 and 62. Five detailed Sales, Technical Specification & Accessories Catalogs covering from the 1930s to the 1970s i.e.early to late models. 64 pages.

Print code: K180D

KEARNS Borers and Planers. Comprehensive Full-Range Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue showing the "S" Type, "S" Type Optimetric, "45", "72", "450", "450A", "450B", 450C", "450F", "451P", "451F", "450PPT", "4551PPT", Electronic Model "451PPT", "721P", the No.2, 3, 4 & 5. No. 4WB, No. 5WB, and details of various control systems and accessories. 80 pages.

Print code: MA885B

AVO Model 8 Mk.5 Universal AvoMeter. Operating Instructions.

Print code: MB1140D

Beaver NC5-ATC and NC5-S Millers: Instruction Manual for the "Sinumerik" 5 Control System.

Print code: MB125

Bardons and Oliver No. 3, 5 and 7 Universal Turret Lathe: Manual, Operator's Instruction and Maintenance.

Print code: MB125B

Bardons and Oliver No. 5 Universal Turret lathe. Parts manual as Exploded Component Photographic plates.

Print code: MB140B

Beaver (Balding and Baldingmil) Mk.5 Miller: Operator's and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings. Includes Electrical Diagrams for 3-phase and 1-phase, an Electrical Enclosure Diagram Connection Chart, D.C. Control Circuits Chart, "Z" Axis Electronic Gearbox connection diagram, and Pneumatic and Hydraulic systems and automatic oiling systems diagrams. Pictures of the Beaver Mk. 5 can be seen here and the ordinary, much more Common VBRP here

Print code: MB644

Brown and Sharpe Grinders: Large (160 page) volume published by the company with very detailed photographs showing the machines in use and the application of special fittings. Not a Manual, and not a Sales and Specification folder - but very interesting if you have one of the following: Universal Grinders, No.5 Plain Grinding machine, Surface Grinders, No. 11 Face Grinding Machine, Tool and Cutter grinder No. 13 Universal and Tool and Cutter Grinder.

Print code: MB644D

Brown and Sharpe No. 5 Surface Grinding Machine: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

Print code: MB644G

Brown and Sharpe Nos. 5 Cylindrical Plain Grinding Machines: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

Print code: MB704F

BSA-Huller Electrically Operated Tapping Machines (1, 2, 3 and 5) Operating Instructions with Sectional Drawings.

Print code: MB900L

Burdett (and "Excel") Model 5 Tool and Cutter Grinder Operating and Maintenance Manual and Exploded-diagrams Parts Manual.

Print code: MC113B

Cincinnati No. 0 to 8 Plain Automatic Milling Machines: Service Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual with photographs and extensive Sectional Drawings.

Print code: MC113C

Cincinnati No. 0 To 8 Plain Automatic Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction Book.

Print code: MC113N

Cincinnati "High Power" No. 4 and No. 5 Milling Machines. Operator's Instruction Book.

Print code: MC113P

Cincinnati "High Power" No. 4 and No. 5 Milling Machines: Service Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual.

Print code: MC114C

Cincinnati "Dial Type" Milling Machines Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Models LL and also as Types: 315-15, 415-15, 420-16 and 520-16 (Model LL) and 520-20, 540-20, 620-20, 640-20 (Model ELA): Comprehensive Service and Dismantling Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Diagrams. Includes a comprehensive and detailed Sales, Accessories and Technical Specification Catalogue. This edition covers the later machines with a spindle speeds dial on the left-hand face of the column and a separate feeds dial on the left-hand face of the knee.

Print code: MC114F

Cincinnati Last Model of "Dial Type" Milling Machines Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 and also as Types: 315-15, 415-15, 420-16 and 520-16 (Model LL) and 520-20, 540-20, 620-20, 640-20 (Model ELA). These models had a speed dial on the column and a feed dial on the side of the knee. Operator's Instruction Book.

Print code: MC240B

Cleveland Rigidhobbers S-1623 and S-1630 (23" and 30" between centre) Mk.5 and Mk.6 Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

Print code: MC240B

Churchill Rigidhobber S-1623 and S-1630 (23" and 30" between centre) Mk.5 and Mk.6 Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

Print code: MC240D

Cleveland Rigidhobber Mk. 4, 5 and 6. Operator's instructions

Print code: MC240E

Churchill Rigidhobber Mk. 4, 5 and 6. Operator's instructions

Print code: MD379F

DeVlieg 4K-60 with Tapac 5 Control: Programmer's and Operator's Reference Manual.

Print code: MD383B

DIAFORM Models 5/1, 5/2 and 5/4 Series. Grinding Wheel Forming Machine. Wheel-head mounting type. A complete Data pack consisting of two editions of the Operating Manual - covering any changes - together with a copy of the Diaform Booklet "Form Dressing with the Diaform Wheel Forming Attachment" (a detailed guide to the what the machine can achieve with illustrated examples of work)

Print code: ME260B

Elliott (and Elliott/Excel) Model 5 Tool & Cutter Grinder Operating & Maintenance Manual & Exploded-Diagrams Parts Manual.

Print code: ME350L

Emco Compact 5 Lathe and Vertical Milling Head: Highly detailed Instruction Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual with Exploded Assembly Diagrams and Wiring Schematics for the Lathe and Milling Head. Includes a comprehensive 12-page Sales, Technical Specification and Accessory Catalogue. This collection of literature represents a complete data pack for the lathe and milling head(100+ pages)

Print code: ME5/E20

Eagle Surface Grinders: Unfortunately no manual appears to have been issued for these machines but there is an interesting collection of Sales and Specification Catalogue available for the early and late Standard and Heavy Duty Models 1, 2, 2A, 3, 3A, 4, 4A, 5, 6; the Model 534 in Mk.1 and Mk.2 versions together with a price list. This collection represents the complete data set for these machines. 13 pages.

Print code: ME600

Excel Universal Tool and Cutter Grinder No. 5 Operator's Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Individually illustrated Items.

Print code: MF10A

Fanuc AC Servo Unit Maintenance Manual.

Covers maintenance of AC Servo Units with 1, 2 and 3 Axis driving the following motors:

  • 1-Axis
  • 2-Axis
  • ​3-Axis
  • 5-0x
  • 4-0x
  • 3-0x
  • 2-0xx
  • 1-0xx
  • 0xxx
  • 5xxx
  • 10xx
  • 20Mx
  • 20x
  • 30x
  • 30Rx


Print code: MG255B

Grand Rapids (Gallmeyer and Livington) No. 5 Tool and Cutter Grinder: Parts as useful Sectional Drawings.

Print code: MG631A

Gisholt No. 3, 4 and 5 Ram Type Turret Lathes: Service Manual with Illustrated Parts Manual and 27 large pages of detailed Cross-Sectional Drawings.

Print code: MH418D

Herbert 5 Senior Preoptive Capstan Lathes. Operating, Maintenance and Setting Manual (last edition with fuller detail).

Print code: MH418E

Herbert 5 Senior Preoptive Monoslide Lathes. Operating, Maintenance and Setting Manual (last edition with fuller detail).

Print code: MH418F

Herbert 5 Senior Preoptive Capstan and 5 Senior Preoptive Monoslide lathes. Spare Parts Manual as clear and detailed Exploded Component Drawings (this is the last edition with fuller details).

Print code: MH418G

Herbert "5" and "54" Senior Monoslide Lathes: Spares Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

Print code: MH418H

Herbert 5 Preoptive Mk.4 Hepworth Lathe Operating and Parts Manual (and Programme Sequence Control Manual)

Print code: MH900B

Hydrovane 5 Series Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

Print code: MH900C

Hydrovane Rotary Compressors Models 5, 15 and 20. Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual as Exploded-component Pictures. English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Swedish.

Print code: MM30

Machinex 5 Hand book and Operator's Instruction Manual for all Machinex lathes, Drills and Mills. Includes Exploded Component Parts Manual and a copy of the original Sales and Specification Catalog with lists of all the accessories.

Print code: MN313C

Newall Digipac 5. User's Hand book.

Print code: MP237M

Pollard Tappers - Auto-reversing Types No. 1, 2, 4, 5 and 200. Operation, Maintenance and Spares Manual. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue.

Print code: MR150JE

RICHARDS (George Richards) No. 4 & 5 Electrabore Horizontal Boring machines. Operating & Maintenance Instructions.

Print code: MW292C

Warner and Swasey No. 3, 4 and 5 "Universal Ram Type" Turret Lathe: Service Manual and Fold-out Sectional Drawings Parts Manual with detailed Assembly Diagrams.

Print code: MW350G

Werner (Fritz Werner) 5.131 Vertical Milling Machine. Operating and Maintenance Manual including large electrical schematics.

Print code: MW380C

Wickman 5/8"-6 Automatic. Machine and Attachments Parts List as Sectional Drawings.

Print code: MW380D

Wickman 5/8"-6 Automatic. Machine and Attachments Data.

Print code: MW380Q

Wickman 5 Spindle Bar and Chucking Automatic Lathes. Comprehensive 120-page Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual.

Print code: MW480C

WILLSON Mk. V 7.5-inch "Newel" and "Willson/Elliott". Listed by the makers as the Canel Mk.V  when fitted with a straight bed and the Newall Mk. V with a gap bed. Also, usually fitted with a “Universal” English and metric screwcutting gearbox Instruction.Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual (as useful sectional drawings) for the model with the large circular (or semi-circular) boss on the headstock and a circular control on the face of the screwcutting gearbox.

Print code: MW560A

WMW SASL 125 Centreless Grinder (also covers the SASL 3, SASL 4 and SASL 5). Detailed Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics.

Print code: P428B

Pollard Auto-reversing Tappers. Detailed 6-page Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue covering all types and sizes.

Print code: R466A

Rivett All-models Catalogue dated 1898. Shows Millers, Grinders and Lathes both Watchmaker and Precision Bench Types Numbers 3, 4, 5 and the "8-inch Precision". Includes watchmaking accessories and lathe drive systems.

Print code: R466C

Rivett All Models Catalogue Circa 1903 - 1910 Rivett Lathes Models No. 31/2, No. 4, No. 5 and "8-Inch Precision".

Print code: T119E

Thiel Filing & Sawing Machines. A publication by the importers E.H.Jones titled: "1862 - 1928 The Home of Thiel Precision Filing and Sawing Machines". General catalogue and accessories showing both the German and English-made versions. Sizes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and Models 13 and 17. Detailed, descriptive and well-illustrated Catalogue. 22 pages

Print code: W10C

Wade Precision Lathes Nos. 3, 5 & 7: Sales, Accessories & Technical Specification Catalogue 1943 (covers 1930s and 1950s types).