STARK: Precision Bench Lathes: Early Full-range Lathe Catalogue and Accessories from the 1870s-1880s.
STARK (USA) Very early Stark Catalogue (circa 1870/80) with the entire product range - lathes, accessories, drive systems, countershafts, treadle stand, special tailstocks, collets, Wheel & Pinion Cutters, Stark Plain Milling Machine, Stark Combined Universal Milling Machine & Wheel & Pinion Cutter, Damaskeening Machine and Automatic Staff Lathe.
Stark Full-range Catalogue Cira 1900-1920s
STARK (USA) Stark Catalogue circa 1900-1920s (pencil annotation). Probably the most complete of all the Stark literature, this lists and illustrates the entire product range from the early years of the 20th century in four languages: English, German, French and Spanish. Includes Precision Bench and Watchmakers' Lathes - the Nos.