Hunt (Churchill) Drill Grinders Models DG100, DG23, DG2A, DG3S, DG3A & GG23etc. Operator's Instruction Manual. Parts Manual for the DG100 as Sectional Drawings with Sales and Specification Catalogues. These instructions apply to all types and sizes of "Hunt Patent" drill grinder.
The "Hunt" was, at one time, a very well known machine and also sold badged as "Archdale", "Herbert", "Jones & Shipman", "Churchill", "Dormer", "Matrix" and "Teston". It was made for many years in several forms and sizes - but all operated in the same way.
Model: DG23
This page displays all the content on the website associated with the 'DG23' model. Numeric models include all prefixes, such as 'Number', 'Mark', 'Size' etc.
Manuals for Model: DG23
Print code: MH872