WOTAN RJ17 and RJ33 Internal Grinding Machines. Detailed catalogue with helpful operating instructions.
WOTAN RJ17 and RJ33 Internal grinding machines. Not a manual, but a detailed Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue that also includes some essential details of how the machines operate and how to use them and employ the accessories.24 pages.
WOTAN all-models Grinders Catalogue - 1093-1940s
WOTAN all-models Grinders Catalogue 1930s- 1940s that includes the external, internal and surface grinding machines RJ12, RJ17, RJ23, RJ30, RJ33 H15, H16, FH29, V31, RP37, and W26. 8 Pages.
Kitchen and Wade H15 Operators Manual
Kitchen and Wade H15 Horizontal Boring, Drilling, Tapping and facing Machine. Operating Manual.