METBA MB-0, MB-1, MB-2, MB-3 and MB4 Universal Milling Machine Operation and Maintenance Manual with use of accessories including tilting and non-tilting tables, dividing head, indexing head, indexing reference tables, multi-directional milling head, high-speed milling attachment, an electrical schematic and a copy of the maker's detailed 33-page Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue. This is not a very good reproduction - it was obtained as a photocopy of what appears to have originally have been a "Gestetner" print, from the factory in 1978.
Model: MB3
This page displays all the content on the website associated with the 'MB3' model. Numeric models include all prefixes, such as 'Number', 'Mark', 'Size' etc.
Manuals for Model: MB3
Print code: MI150A
Imoberdorf MB3 3 spindle Machine. Operation Instructions with Specification Sheets for accessories.