Elliott Milmor Super 10 Milling Machine Data pack
ELLIOTT "MILMOR SUPER 10". Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual with Electrical Schematics.
This version of the "Milmor" was built on the base of the very different "SturdiMill 1100" and fitted with the head assembly from an Italian Rambaudi miller (and sometimes from other machines imported by the agents).
Elliott Milmor & Milmor 10 Millers Data Pack
ELLIOTT MILMOR and MILMOR 10 Milling Machines. a large double edition of the Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual together with copies of the maker's comprehensive Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogues.
Hepworth Tracer (hydraulic copying) Attachments Manual. All types from 150 to 620
HEPWORTH HYDRAULIC COPYING (TRACER) Attachments for the Series 150, 300, 400, 450, 470, 472, 600 & 620 as fitted to Colchester, Harrison, Milmor, Smart & Brown, Dean Smith & Grace, Willson, Kerry, Broadbent-Schofield and many other makes. A complete 140-page Data Pack with Detailed Operation Manuals and Spare Manuals as Sectional and other drawings.