Dominion Universal Woodworkers - Data Pack
DOMINION Universal Woodworker (sometimes badged Elliott) Minor, Ten-inch, Supreme and Portable - all models. A very detailed Catalogue Set (a proper manual never seems to have been issued) together with basic Maintenance and Operating Instructions. The catalogues show all the various models, their accessories and how the many and varied attachments are used. 38 pages.
Midsaw Band-type Saw-Filing Machines Standard and Minor Types. Catalogues
Midsaw Band-type Saw-Filing Machines: Standard, Minor, Minor Deep Throat and Super Minor. Detailed and Well-illustrated Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue set. 20 pages.
Mid-Saw Bandsaws. Data Pack
MidSaw Bandsaws Data Pack. Includes manuals for the Minor, Minor Super, Minor Deep Throat, DT-36 Series, Standard (canting), Standard (Rigid), Deepthroat Models "Alpha", "Beta" and "Delta" and a Sales & Specification Catalogue