Model: Optical Rotary Tables

This page displays all the content on the website associated with the 'Optical Rotary Tables' model. Numeric models include all prefixes, such as 'Number', 'Mark', 'Size' etc.

Manuals for Model: Optical Rotary Tables

Print code: O160D

OMT (Optical Measuring Tools Ltd.) Optical  Rotary & Automatic Indexing Tables. Detailed and well-illustrated Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue covering the 10-inch, 12-inch, 16-inch, 18-inch, 30-inch, 36-inch. 8-inch and 16-inch models with Optical Rotary Table, Tailstock and Base Counter Unit. 12-inch, 16-inch and 24-inch with Optical and Rotary and Inclinable Table and 30-inch with Automatic Indexing. 24  pages. £39