Model: SN-40

This page displays all the content on the website associated with the 'SN-40' model. Numeric models include all prefixes, such as 'Number', 'Mark', 'Size' etc.

Manuals for Model: SN-40

Print code: MT200SN40/50

TOS SN40, SN45 and SN50 Lathes Operation & Maintenance Manual German Text.

Print code: MT200SN4050p

TOS SN40, SN45 and SN50 Lathes Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings with Electrical Schematics.

Print code: T1101F

TOS SN-40 and SN-50C Lathes. Sales and Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue. 4 pages.

Print code: T1101F2

T1101F2 TOS SN-40, SN45, SN-50, SN50, SN63 and SN77 Lathes. Three Detailed Sales and Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogues, Early to Late. 26 pages.