HARDINGE Superslant Lathe. Huge, comprehensive Manual with: Instructions, Installation, Power-up Procedure, Maintenance of Lubrication, Coolant, Hydraulic Systems and Air Filters, Collet Closer, Tailstock, Control Panel, Parts Program language, Keyboard Functions, Program Tape, Linear and Circular Interpolations, Work Coordinate System, Tooling and Tool Offsets, Tool Nose Radius Compensation, Automatic Cycles, Threading, Slide Travel Limits, Miscellaneous, Program 3-axis or 4-axis Superslant-GN, Chucker, User Macro A and B, Appendix One, Two and Three.
Model: Superslant
This page displays all the content on the website associated with the 'Superslant' model. Numeric models include all prefixes, such as 'Number', 'Mark', 'Size' etc.