Model: TK

This page displays all the content on the website associated with the 'TK' model. Numeric models include all prefixes, such as 'Number', 'Mark', 'Size' etc.

Manuals for Model: TK

Print code: MK318M

Kearns-Richards TK40, TK40B, SB, SK and TK Horizontal Boring and Milling Machines (Sometimes marked Stavely). Detailed Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts as Sectional and Exploded-component Drawings.

Print code: MR150M

Kearns-Richards TK, SB and SK Horizontal Boring and Milling Machines (Sometimes marked Stavely). Detailed Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts as Sectional and Exploded-component Drawings.

Print code: MT325

Traub Strohm: TK Single Spindle Automatic Lathe. Service Instructions.