Mini V-belts, 8 mm across the top surface - as used on a wide variety of small machine-tool and in other applications. High-quality, genuine European-made belts. These belts can be difficult to source, but we aim to keep stock of all the sizes listed. The post price covers the shipping of three belts. Click the down arrow in the box showing the 375 mm belt to see the range of sizes available. The "teeth" on the inside of a belt are not teeth, but cut-outs that allow the belt greater flexibility when running around small-diameter pulleys. Please note: as with all V-belts, the length stated is not the actual length around the outside. We have cut and measured a selection of belts and discovered that you need to add about 3% to get the real length. This may not sound much - but on a belt marked 850 the length measures 875 mm.
To discover what length you need, use a strip of paper wrapped over the pulleys. Pull tight, mark the overlap, remove, lay flat and measure carefully.