Jones Machine Tools (Pootatuck USA) - kit-built from castings.
- 7-inch bench lathe: 3 pages of "manufacturing" and one general arrangement drawing.
- "Tyro" bench lathe: 4 pages of Drawings plus general arrangement.
- "Modelmaker" bench lathe: 7 pages of Drawings plus general assembly.
- No. 1 Bench Milling Machine: 2 pages of Drawings plus general arrangement.
- No. 2 Bench Milling Machine: 2 sheets of Drawings plus general arrangement.
- No. 10 Bench Milling machine: 2 pages of Drawings. Milling Machine Accessories, 3 pages of Drawings.
- 6-inch Stroke bench Shaper: 3 pages of Drawings plus general arrangement.
- Jones Sales and Specifications Catalogs Edition 1 and Edition 2 (14 pages)