K. O. LEE Universal Tool and Cutter Grinders. Operation Manual




B2000 B2060 B2062 B300 B360 B6060 B6062 BA900 BA960 BA962

Machine types: 



  • Operators Manual
  • Catalog

K.O.LEE Universal Tool and Cutter Grinders. Very detailed 127-page Instruction Book. Covers most models (and the principles of cutter grinding) including the B360, BA960, BA962, B2060, B2062, B6060, B6062, B300, BA900 and B2000. Machines were stamped with various suffix letter combinations and the manual applies to them all. Examples include "X" and "Y" for special-equipment models, "H" for hydraulic table travel,"BB" for ball-bearing mounted flat and V-rollers for anti-friction table travel, "M" for metric calibration of dials, etc. Includes an additional highly detailed and well illustrated 20-page Sales, Technical Specification & Accessories catalogue.


All manuals are scanned at high resolution and supplied as a top-quality print, bound and on a superior 129g paper.

Unless otherwise stated, all manuals are in English. We ship world-wide to all destinations.

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