
Manuals and Catalogues

Print code: MS473

SCHARMANN FB75 Opticut Horizontal Boring and Milling Machines. Instruction and Maintenance Manual in English and German. Includes a copy of the detailed SCHARMANN How to Employ Scharmann Borers. The "Opticut System. A booklet with the details of the Scharmann System and Machines.

Print code: MS473B

Scharmann FB85, FB100 & FB125 Horizontal Boring and Milling Machines (Bohrwerk). A 2-edition pack of the Instruction and Maintenance Manuals and copies of the detailed Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogues.

Print code: MS473BE

Scharmann FB125 Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine (Bohrwerk). Four large electrical schematics - one a very long fold-out that has been cut into five numbered sections. Also included is a printed copy the Electrical Parts Listings Booklet. The originals appear to have been printed on a dot-matrix printer and so are best viewed on a screen. Hence they are provided on a pen drive.

Print code: MS473BF

SCHARMANN FB160 Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine (Bohrwerk). Instruction and Maintenance Manual. English & German text.

Print code: MS473BFX

SCHARMANN FB160 Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine (Bohrwerk) Two very large Electrical Schematics and Foundation plan.

Print code: MS473C

Scharmann WB2 and WB3 Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine. Operating Manual (poor condition).

Print code: MS473D

Scharmann WB75 Horizontal Boring Machine. Instruction and Maintenance Manual. Dual English and German text edition.

Print code: MS473E

Scharmann WB80 Horizontal Boring Machine. Instruction and Maintenance Manual with a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue.

Print code: MS473F

Scharmann WB85 Horizontal Boring Machine. Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

Print code: MS473G

SCHARMANN Elektrokonzept Sinumerik 850 M System Diagnose Manual (German Text)

Print code: MS473H

SCHARMANN How to Employ Scharmann Borers. The "Opticut System. A booklet with the details of the Scharmann System and Machines. Includes details of: Selecting the Machine Types WF, WF-ax, WF-qv, WFT, Boring Mill Combinations, Work Tables and Floor Plates, Drive and Clamping Systems,Spindle Bearings, Tool Registers and Chucking, Thermal Stabilization, Digital Readouts, Optical Measuring Devices, Operating Techniques, etc

Print code: MS473X

SCHARMANN FB132 Opticut Horizontal Borer. Operation, Maintenance and Technical Manualwith English and German text. Includes a copy of the detailed SCHARMANN How to Employ Scharmann Borers. The "Opticut System. A booklet with the details of the Scharmann System and Machines.