Schumacher & Boye

Manuals and Catalogues

Print code: B370

BOYE & EMMES (USA) Machine Tool Co. "Schumacher & Boye" Lathes: 19-page Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue circa 1912 showing the full range of lathes from 1900 to 1920.

Print code: B370A

BOYE & EMMES "Schumacher & Boye" (USA) Lathes: 14-page Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue circa 1926 showing the range of geared-head lathes from 1920 to 1930 and later. Also included (in addition to the 14 pages) is correspondence from the factory to a customer.

Print code: MB374

Boye and Emmes (Schumacher & Boye): A 14-page folder showing Sectional Drawings of both belt and geared-head lathes with instructions for use, adjustment and Maintenance of spindles, clutches, aprons, etc.