SIXIS MP-400 S-104 Universal Milling Machine Catalogue (French text)
SIXIS MP-400 S-104 Universal Milling Machine. Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue. FRENCH TEXT. 10 pages
SIXIS Milling Machines Range Catalogue
SIXIS Super-precision Milling Machines. Range Catalogue showing the S-101, S-101H, S-102, S-102H, S-103, S-103H, S-104 and MP-400. 12 pages.
SIXIS Numerically Controlled Machine Tools Catalogue
SIXIS Numerically Controlled Precision Machine Tools. Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue. 8 pages.
SIXIS S-101 Universal Milling Machine Catalogue
SIXIS S-101 Universal Milling Machine. Detailed and we-illustrated Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue. 16 pages.
SIXIS S-102 Universal Milling Machine Specification Catalogue
SIXIS S-102 Universal Milling Machine. Detailed and well-illustrated Sales & Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue. 16 pages
SIXIS S-103 Universal Milling Machine Catalogue
S-103 Universal Milling Machine. Detailed and well-illustrated Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue. 16 pages.
SIXIS S-104 CNC Milling Machine. Sales & Technical Specification Sheet
SIXIS S-104 CNC Universal Milling Machine. Sales & Technical Specification Sheet. 2 pages.
SIXIS S-104 Universal Milling Machine Catalogue
SIXIS S-104 Universal Milling Machine. Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue. 10 pages.
SIXIS S1101 (a version of the S101) Milling Machine. Operation Instructions and Parts as Sectional Drawings.
SIXIS S1101 Milling Machine (a version of the S101). Basic Operation Instructions and Parts as Sectional Drawings. Contains an electrical schematic and a copy of the comprehensive Sales, Technical Specification and Sales Catalogue for the Model 101. English and French Text.
Sixis 103 Manual
Sixis 103 Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual with Electrical Schematics. Includes a copy of the maker's well-illustrated FRENCH LANGUAGE Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue.