
Manuals and Catalogues

Print code: MH116/MS692

Havir Shaper (branded Start-Rite) Operators Manual.

Print code: MM180C/MS704

Meba (and Meba-Startrite) H250M and 320 Horizontal Bandsaws. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

Print code: MS692/MH116

Start-Rite Shaper (By Havir, USA) Operators Manual.

Print code: MS700

STARTRITE and STARTRITE VOLANT S1, S5, S10, T5, T10 and V10 Band SAWS (labelled variously as Volant 18, Volant 24, 18-S10, 24-S10, 18-T10, 24-T10, 18-V10, 24-V10, etc: Detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings, Circuit Diagrams and detailed Blade Welding Instructions. Contains three copies of the maker's Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogues giving dimensions, weights, etc. spanning all years of production. 

Print code: MS700A

Bandit Metalworking Series Bandsaws Types 12S1, 12S5 and 12S10 10-speed (late versions with a rectangular frame, not the earlier type with an angled back). Comprehensive Operator's Instruction Manual, Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Diagrams and Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700B

Sabre Band saw. Comprehensive Operator's Instruction Manual, Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Diagrams and Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700C

Startrite S1 and S5 (single and 5-speed) Band Saws: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with electrical schematic.

Print code: MS700D

H175 and H200W Bandsaws: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700D2

STARTRITE H225 HORIZONTAL Bandsaw: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700E

Startrite 216, 216H. 316 and 316H Band Saws: Comprehensive Operator's Instructions, Maintenance Manual, a Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams and an electrical schematic.

Print code: MS700F

Startrite H250M Band Saw: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700G

Startrite H250A Band Saw: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700H

STARTRITE H280M4 Horizontal Bandsaw: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700H2

STARTRITE HB280A Automatic Horizontal Bandsaw: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700H3

STARTRITE H330M (H330Mv) Variable-speed Horizontal Bandsaw: Detailed Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700HB

Startrite HB225M, HB250M, HB280M, HB330M (and S330MV) 5-speed and variable-speed metal-cutting Horizontal Band Saws. Detailed Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with Wiring Diagrams and Electrical Installation Diagrams. No manual was ever issued for the S330MV, but this manual will cover it.

Print code: MS700J

Startrite H250M Band Saw: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700K

Startrite RW Series Types: RWF, RWS and RWH band saws - these were made in several sizes and versions but this manual covers them all: Fixed table, sliding table with hand or hydraulic feed, 10-speed gearbox and variable-speed: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams and Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700KKA

Startrite K210 and K260 (Multico) Universal Woodworker. Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

Print code: MS700KKC

Startrite K310 (Multico) Morticer (only the morticer, not the universal woodworker) Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual. with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

Print code: MS700M

Startrite 301 Band Saw: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams and Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700ME

STARTRITE 301E Bandsaw: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams and Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700MS

STARTRITE 301S Bandsaw: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams and Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700MSB

STARTRITE 301SB Bandsaw: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams and Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700N

Startrite 351 Band Saw (single speed): Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams and an Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700NE

STARTRITE 351E Bandsaw (single speed): Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams and Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700NS

STARTRITE 351S Bandsaw (single speed): Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams and Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700P

Startrite 352 Band Saw (dual speed): Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams.

Print code: MS700Q

Startrite UMB220 and VMB220 Metora Band Saw: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700R/MM260A

Startrite-Metora VMB250 Bandsaw. Operator's Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes a Hydraulic Schematic.

Print code: MS700S/MM260B

Startrite-Metora HMB 400+STA Bandsaw. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700SB

STARTRITE 351SB Bandsaw: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams and Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700SE

STARTRITE 351SE Bandsaw (single speed): Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams and Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700T

Startrite V500 Band Saw: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams. Includes Hydraulic Control Diagrams and Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700TA

Startrite TA145 Tilt Arbor Sawbench. Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

Print code: MS700TA2

STARTRITE TA165 Tilt Arbor Saw Bench. Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

Print code: MS700TA3

STARTRITE TA255 Tilt Arbor Saw Bench. Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

Print code: MS700TA3

STARTRITE TA255 Tilt Arbor Saw Bench. Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings. £39*

Print code: MS700TA4

STARTRITE STA300 Tilt Arbor Saw Bench. Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

Print code: MS700TAA

Startrite TA175 and TA175DS Tilt Arbor Sawbench .Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

Print code: MS700TAB

Startrite TA275 Tilt Arbor Saw Bench. Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

Print code: MS700TAC

Startrite TA300 Tilt Arbor Sawbench. Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

Print code: MS700TAD

Startrite TA300PS Tilt Arbor Sawbench. Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

Print code: MS700TAE

Startrite TA1250 Tilt Arbor Sawbench. Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

Print code: MS700U

Startrite V502 Band Saw (dual speed): Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700UA

STARTRITE 502 Bandsaw: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams.

Print code: MS700V

Startrite V900 Band Saw: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700V2

Startrite V and RWF Band Saws: Detailed Operating, Maintenance Manual and Exploded-component Parts Manual and Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS700W

Startrite T, V, R, RF, RWF and RWS Series Bandsaws: Detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Exploded Component Parts Manual with an electrical schematic.

Print code: MS700X

Startrite S, T and RF Series (10-speed) band saws: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with useful Exploded-components Parts Manual and electrical schematic.

Print code: MS700XP

STARTRITE 325SB, 401E, 401S, 440R, 581S and 681S Bandsaws. Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams.

Print code: MS701B

Startrite TA300PS Tilt-arbor Sawbench: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS702

Startrite LM260 Planer and Thicknesser: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams.

Print code: MS702

Startrite LM260 Planer and Thicknesser: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams.

Print code: MS702A

Startrite - Robland X Universal Woodworker Super 310, Super 260 (X-SD-B 310, XTZ-30, SD-310, X-260, X310, etc) Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with Electrical Schematics. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales & Specification Catalogue for the Models Super 310 and Super 260. English, Dutch, French and German text.

Print code: MS702B

STARTRITE-Robland SD310, X260 and X310  PLANER and THICKNESSER: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams.

Print code: MS703

Startrite CF275 Circular Sawing Machine: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with electrical schematic.

Print code: MS703

Startrite CF275 Circular Sawing Machine: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with electrical schematic.

Print code: MS703A

Startrite CF315M and CF350MT Circular Sawing Machines: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS703A

Startrite CF315M and CF350MT Circular Sawing Machines: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with Electrical Schematic.

Print code: MS703B

Startrite 175 Circular Sawing Machines: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as sectional drawings.

Print code: MS703B

Startrite 175 Circular Sawing Machines: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as sectional drawings.

Print code: MS704

Startrite Meba 250 and 320 Horizontal band saws. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

Print code: MS704

Startrite MEBA 250 and 320 Horizontal Band Saws. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

Print code: MS705

Startrite EFI Drills Types "FG2", FG2/A, FG2AT standard and the FGR and FGR/T articulated-arm versions. This machine was also marketed in the USA as the Delta-Rockwell 70-130-T2 and 70-100-T3. Operating and Maintenance Manuals covering both types, each with electrical diagrams and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. English and German Text. Includes a detailed Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue.

Print code: MS705A

STARTRITE FH2 and FH2A Geared-head drilling machines. Operating and Maintenance
Manual with electrical Diagram and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

Print code: MS706

Startrite Cyclair 75 Dust Extraction Unit. Assembly Instructions and Parts List as Exploded-component Drawings.

Print code: MS706A

STARTRITE MDE/HC (MDE HC) Dust Extraction Unit. Assembly Instructions and Parts List as Exploded-component Drawings.

Print code: MS706B

STARTRITE MDE2 and MDE3 Dust Extraction Units. Assembly Instructions and Parts List as Exploded-component Drawings.

Print code: MS707

STARTRITE Mercury 4-speed and 5-speed Drilling Machines. Operating Instructions with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings. Includes two copies of the maker's well illustrated and detailed sales and technical specification catalogues.

Print code: S720B

STARTRITE Belt-drive Drilling Machines. A complete (and interesting) catalogue collection of all belt-drive types: The Bantam (2 pages), the special epicyclic-gearbox equipped SP160/8, SP161/8, SP250/10 and SP 251/10 with epicyclic gearboxes (2 pages), Speedway (6 pages), Mercury bench and pillar (8 pages) and the late-model S D24, SD28, SD12, SD12P, SD58, SD58P, SD25 and SD25P (4 pages). 22 pages in total

Print code: S720C

S720C STARTRITE Geared-head Drilling Machines. A Complete Catalogue collection
showing the: early-model EFI 1.25"( 4 pages), late-model EFI Series FC and FG (5 pages),
EFI Drills Types FG2 and FGR (4 pages), EFI Type FGR-T (6 pages), EFI Type FB4 (4 pages),
EFE Type FE (2 pages). 25 pages in total

Print code: S720CC

Startrite Bandsaws Catalogue Compendium including the: Bandit 12S1, "Twelve". Sabre. Volant. Wespa VS63, AS9, ASH9, AS6, ASH6. Meba SM250 & SM350. Mebamat 250A. Habegger UMB-2VA-522, SP147, SP147S and SP147T. Types 216, 316, 216H, 316H, 14RWS, 20RWS, 30RWS. C600, C700, C800. Bandit 12S5, Bandit 12S10, Bandit 351. Compact 600/S, Compact 800/S. Volant Series 18-T-10, 24-T-10, 18-V-10, 24-V-10. Rapier Series 14RF, 20RF, 30RF, 14RWF, 20RWF, 30RWF, 14RWS, 20RWS, 30RWS, 14RWH, 20RWH, 30RWH. Sabre Series 216, 216H, 316, 316H. Type 301, Type 310B. S1 and S5.

Print code: S720CX

Startrite S1 & S5 Bandsaws Models 18-S-1,  18-S-5,  24-S-1,  24-S-5, 14-S-1,  14-S-5,  
20-S-1 and  20-S-5.
Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue with an annotated picture labelling the various parts. 4 pages

For Sale & Wanted

Startrite 20RF Vertical Bandsaw. A powerful, 3-wheel model with a 1.5 h.p. 3-phase motor, a 20-inch throat and weighing 363 kg. Currently in use.

Asking price: £600.00
Location: Frome, Somerset, United Kingdom