
Manuals and Catalogues

Print code: MW700

Wotan B-75T Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine. Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings with Electrical Diagrams. Includes a lubrication Diagram.

Print code: MW700A

Wotan HWF-2 Gear Hobbing Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual, Electrical Schematics, Gear Charts, Differential Change Gear Settings and Calculation Examples, etc.

Print code: MW700B

WOTAN S 317/12U Internal Grinder. Five large Electrical Schematics.

Print code: W104G

WOTAN RJ17 and RJ33 Internal grinding machines. Not a manual, but a detailed Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue that also includes some essential details of how the machines operate and how to use them and employ the accessories.24 pages. Also included is a separate 8-page Wotan all-models catalogue that includes the external, internal and surface grinding machines RJ12, RJ17, RJ23, RJ30, RJ33 H15, H16, FH29, V31, RP37, and W26. 32 pages

Print code: W104H

WOTAN all-models Grinders Catalogue 1930s- 1940s that includes the external, internal and surface grinding machines RJ12, RJ17, RJ23, RJ30, RJ33 H15, H16, FH29, V31, RP37, and W26. 8 Pages.