Model: 15CY

This page displays all the content on the website associated with the '15CY' model. Numeric models include all prefixes, such as 'Number', 'Mark', 'Size' etc.

Manuals for Model: 15CY

Print code: MP237D

POLLARD "Corona" 15-inch Drill Series: 15AX, 15AY, 15CX, 15CY, 15DX, 15DY, 15EX, 15EY, 15LX, 15LY, 15FX, 15FY 15HA, 15HF, 15HC, 15HCF, 15HD, 15HDF, 15HE, 15HEF, 15HL and 15HLF 15-inch Drilling Machines with head-mounted motors. This machine was built in a wide variety of types including 4-speed hand-feed, 8-speed with reduction gearbox and hand feed, 4-speed with auto downfeed, 8-speed with auto downfeed, single-speed handfeed and 9-speed auto downfeed (and probably others).