MW218A WALDRICH SIEGEN Roll-Grinding Machines - detailed and well-illustrated explanation of how the Company's machines were designed, constructed, operated and accessoires employed.
WALDRICH SIEGEN Roll-Grinding Machines - not a manual but a very detailed and well-illustrated explanation of how the Company's machines were designed, constructed, operated and the various accessories employed. 56 page
WALDRICH SIEGEN Roll Grinding Machines Catalogue with Operational Details
WALDRICH SIEGEN Well illustrated and very detailed Roll Grinding Machines Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue 1962 that shows a variety of models and their use, explains their functions, how to operate them, the use of accessories and shows a variety of roll-grinding operations. 56 pages.
WALDRICH SIEGEN Large Machine Tools. Full-range catalogue circa 1960s
WALDRICH SIEGEN Large Machine Tools. Full-range catalogue circa 1960s: High-speed lathes, Roll-turning Lathes, Roll Grinders, Planers, Combination Planer and Milling Machines. 16 pages.
WALDRICH SIEGEN Roll-Grinding machines with the Program and Measuring Control POGRIMAT - Operator's Instructions. £45
WALDRICH SIEGEN Roll-Grinding machines with the Program and Measuring Control POGRIMAT - Operator's Instructions - this was issued with a booklet detailing recent improvements and modifications to the machines and how they were operated.