ARCHDALE "38-inch" Radial-arm Drilling Machine. Spare Parts as individual photographs
ARCHDALE "38-inch" Radial-arm Drilling Machine. Spare Parts as individual photographs.
ARCHDALE 1 1/4" and 2" Vertical Drilling Machine Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual
ARCHDALE 1 1/4" and 2" Vertical Drilling Machine with a fixed head and sometimes marked Type 14589 Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Instructions - two editions: one for the stand-alone vertical drill the other for the same heads fitted to the radial-arm types; these manuals cover all known versions.
ARCHDALE AUTONOMIC Drilling Machine Manual
ARCHDALE AUTONOMIC Drilling Machine: Installation, Maintenance and
Operating Manual.
ARCHDALE Millers and Drills, etc, full-range Catalogue 1940s to 1950s
ARCHDALE Comprehensive, beautifully-illustrated full-range Catalogue Circa late 1940s to the 1950s showing milling machines, a wide variety of drills, horizontal and vertical milling machines, thread and cam milling machines, milling machine accessories and "special machines" 152 pages.
Archdale 785 Manual
Archdale self-contained Feed Drill Unit Type 785. Installation, Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.
Archdale Full-range Catalogue Circa 1930
Archdale Full-range Catalogue Circa 1930: Radial-Arm drills, Heavy-duty drills, Production drills, Multi-head drills, All-gear Drills, Sensitive Universal Adjustable Multi-spindle Drills, Medium and Heavy-duty Type Universal Multi-spindle Drills, Hydraulic Multi spindle drills, 6-spindle cylinder boring machine, 4-spindle Fixed centre Hydraulic Cylinder Boring Machine, 74-spind
- Catalog
Archdale Full-range Catalogue Circa 1930s-1940s
ARCHDALE Full-range Catalogue Circa 1930s-1940s: Radial-Arm drills, Heavy-duty drills, Production drills, Multi-head drills, All-gear Drills, Sensitive Universal Adjustable Multi-spindle Drills, Medium and Heavy-duty Type Universal Multi-spindle Drills, Hydraulic Multi-spindle drills, 6-spindle cylinder boring machine, 4-spindle Fixed centre Hydraulic Cylinder Boring Machine, 7
Archdale Radial-arm Drilling Machines. Data Pack Manual
ARCHDALE RADIAL-ARM DRILLING MACHINES - Data Pack: Most of the Company's radial-arm drills appear to have been covered in a Publication with the title: "Light, Medium and Heavy Duty Types".